Friday 4 December 2015


Hola readers :) ,

It's been a year i left this blog with no post so this is my comeback. Hi everyone! *lambaitangan*

Jadi, harini nak berangan jadi artis. Artis mestilah kena ditemuramah en? Haha so enjoyy ;pp

Q : What is your name?
A : My name is Hanis Hanan. I love to known by that name.

Q : Is that your real name?
A : Of course lah. But that is not my full name. I don't want to expose my fullname because atleast there's a little bit of myself that people don't know.

Q : Hurm... How old are you?
A : I am 15 years old. I just finished the Pt3 exam this year and gonna get the result soon. Pray for me gais. I don't hope too much because we already know our result, i just want to make sure that my parents are happy with my result.

Q : What's your hobby?
A : I love to read books, online, listen to songs and many more. And i love to draw too, but i'm not very good at it.

Q : Do you have boyfriend?
A : Boyfriend? Do you mean pakwe? I don't have any, but i have boyfriends ok just friend not lover. Hurm, i know this is so sudden, but i want to tell about one of my friend who is my batchmate. Many people think that he is weird and people call him orang asli. Recently i talked to him, i chatted with him and i get to know him closer. I found that he is so nice although he is naughty, he is really nice. Yeah it's common that boys are naughty. I think that he just need someone to listen to him, but seriously he is nice. I scared of him before but when i get to know him i'm okay with him. And i really impressed with him too because he has so many talents, i'm very jealous and he is a faithful person i think. Haha that is just my impression to him, i know that i should not judge and trust him easily because i'm not so close to him and i never be his classmate, the boys know him well, but i trust, behind every person, there's must be good things inside them actually.

Q : Do you love English?
A : Yes! I really love English. I don't know why. And i'm not really good at it but i try my best haha.

Q : Are you good at swimming?
A : No. Absolutely no. I don't know how to swim.
Swimming is sunnah, i think i should learn it.

Q : Who is your bestfriend?
A : Bestfriend i think is the person who we share our secret and problem with and the one who we spend our precious moment with. I'm not mentioning their names here.

Q : Do you have any other blog?
A : Yes i have. This -->belog saya. I always update that blog but it has no post right now because i just made kerja pembersihan blog hehe fikir twitter je ke ada pembersihantl.

Q : What the goals you want to achieve in your life?
A ; I just want a happy life in the world and hereafter. I just want a moderate life with the whom i love as long as i'm happy. And i try to be a good person and be kind to everyone in my life. That's all.